Video series on supporting friends through cancer

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Cancer turns your whole world upside down.

If you have a friend or loved one impacted by cancer, your support can be invaluable. But it can often be hard to know the best way to help.

Made for young people aged 12-25, this videos series from Canteen provides you with practical tips and advice to help you find ways to give the support they need.

From answers to the big questions like ‘What is cancer exactly?’ and ‘How can I be a better listener?’ through to specific tips on how to support a friend with a cancer diagnosis.

There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ when dealing with the impact of cancer, but this series will help give you a bit more guidance so you can feel confident supporting those in need around you.

Find out more about the series, and watch the videos, below!


What is cancer?

What is cancer exactly? And what causes it? Cancer affects every person differently, but it’s likely to impact their physical, emotional, and social well-being. It can leave you with many questions, so here’s what you need to know about what it’s like to have cancer.



5 tips to support a friend or loved one dealing with a cancer diagnosis

When a friend or loved one receives a cancer diagnosis in their family, it can be a lot for them to deal with. Your support can make a big difference. But first, you need to know what to expect and how best to support them. Here are five practical tips to help you do just that.



Tips on what to say to a loved one whose friend or relative has cancer

When a friend or loved one is dealing with a cancer diagnosis, it can be tricky figuring out what to say. You want to help but don’t want to say the wrong thing. These practical tips and advice will help you broach the subject and give them the support they need.



7 ways you can support a partner with cancer

If your partner has been diagnosed with cancer, it can feel like your world is falling apart. You may wonder what to expect and what you can do to help. But there are many practical ways you can help: here are 7 top tips.



Tips for dealing with a cancer diagnosis as a family

A cancer diagnosis in your family is never easy to deal with, but being there to support each other can be a great source of comfort. These practical tips for families can help you look out for each other and make decisions about the future.



6 ways a friend of loved one might express their grief

When a friend or loved one loses someone close to them, they’ll go through a process of grieving. But everyone expresses their grief slightly differently. Some might showcase anger, while some might become numb. There is no way is ‘right’ or ‘wrong.’ Here are the six different emotions that you might encounter.



When does a grieving friend or loved one need your support the most?

When someone you care about is grieving after a loss, it can be difficult to know what to say or do. They might need a little extra support, but it isn’t always easy to know how best to help them. These tips let you spot the moments when you might be able to help.



6 things to avoid saying to a friend or loved one who’s grieving

When your friend or loved one has lost someone close to them it can be hard to find the right words. Some of the things we say to try and support them can come across in the wrong way. So here are six common things to avoid saying to a friend who’s grieving.



6 tips to make you a better listener

Listening is an important skill in all areas of life, but especially when you’re supporting a friend or loved one through a cancer diagnosis. When we show we’re really listening, it’s much more rewarding for the person talking to you, and you’ll get more out of it too. This is called active listening, and here are six tips to make your communication more effective.



5 tips for talking to a friend or loved one who’s grieving

Talking to a friend or loved one who’s grieving can be tricky, but it’s so important. Here are 5 tips for talking to a friend or loved one who’s lost someone close to them to cancer.



The series is now live on Canteen's YouTube - get watching!  

If you or someone you know are looking for support, visit Canteen Connect

For answers to more questions that matter to you, use Canteen's list of questions to ask your treatment team to explore topics from diagnosis and treatment to fertility and relationships.

Cancer Hub is also here to help families impacted by cancer (with children aged 0-25) more easily access the practical and emotional support they need. Get in touch and we’ll look after the rest.